1. object.

1.1. These legal conditions regulate the use and access conditions of the https website://www.sarahalenyainteriorista.com.com (from now on the “place”), website owned by Sarah Alenyà Interiorista, under the name Sarah Alenyà Interiorista (from now on “Company”), duly registered.

1.2. Use of or access to this site implies that you (from now on “user”) acknowledges having read and understood the present legal conditions of use, and agrees to comply with them in their entirety.

1.3. If you as a user do not agree with any of the present conditions, you must stop accessing this site.

2. Ownership of the Site.

2.1. In accordance with the Law 34/2002, of July 11 and the rest of the applicable legislation, we inform you that this website https://www.sarahalenyainteriorista.com is owned by Sarah Alenyà Interiorista with NIF number XXX, under the trade name Sarah Alenyà Interiorista, duly registered.

2.2. This entity has its registered office at C/ Garbí 27, 17257 Torroella de Montgrí (Girona)

2.3. You can contact Sarah Alenyà Interiorista at the phone number 972 761 444 or to the email address sa_interiorista@hotmail.com

2.4. Unless expressly established otherwise, communications with Sarah Alenyà Interiorista can be made by ordinary mail to the physical address indicated or by email. The company will contact the user via email, to the address in your possession or provided to you in this regard.

3. Operation of the site.

3.1. Sarah Alenyà Interiorista reserves the right to modify, anytime, unilaterally and without prior notification to its users, the contents, the structure, the operation or access conditions of this site.

3.2. However, the users of the site are aware and accept that some of the information contained in it could be incorrect, be incomplete or outdated, or contain typographical errors. Sarah Alenyà Interiorista reserves the right to update the content of this site and will not be responsible for not updating the information.

3.3. Sarah Alenyà Interiorista also reserves the right to temporarily suspend, without the need for prior notice, access to this site to carry out maintenance operations, update, improvement or repair.

3.4. It is prohibited for the user to use this website for sending, the transmission or publication of any illegal material, threatening, slander, defamatory, propaganda, scandalous, obscene, pornographic, or any other material that could give rise to civil or criminal liability in accordance with the applicable legislation, these facts for which the user will in any case be responsible.

3.5. Sarah Alenyà Interiorista also does not guarantee that this website or the servers that host it are free of viruses and other types of potentially dangerous software, as well as availability, continuity, usefulness and infallibility of the operation of this site, of its services or its contents; nor legality, reliability or usefulness of the information and content provided by third parties through this site.

3.6. In general, only natural and legal persons with sufficient legal capacity in accordance with the applicable legislation may use this site. Exceptionally, minors who have previously obtained the authorization of their parents or legal guardians may use the site, who will be responsible for the use of the site by the minor in their charge.

4. User behavior. prohibitions.

4.1. The use of the contents and services offered by Sarah Alenyà Interiorista will be at the exclusive risk and responsibility of the user.

4.2. The company does not assume any duty or commitment to verify or monitor the content and information entered by users.

4.3. The user undertakes to use the website and all its content and services in a diligent manner, always subject to the Law, to good manners, and to the present general conditions, always maintaining respect for other users.

4.4. Likewise, the user undertakes to make appropriate use of the materials and information contained in the website, not using them to carry out illegal or criminal activities, that infringe on the rights of third parties, or that infringe the regulation on intellectual and industrial property, or any other rule of the applicable legal system, being solely responsible to Sarah Alenyà Interiorista and to third parties for non-compliance with what is established here.

4.5. The user undertakes not to transmit, to introduce, disseminate or make available to third parties, any type of material and information that is against the law, to morality, to public order and to the present general conditions of use.

4.6. Anyway, the user must always provide truthful information that cannot lead to any type of confusion, as well as correct identification data, and never impersonating or on behalf of third parties.

4.7. In relation to the infringement of any irregularity, remember that the IP address of your computer is recorded simply by accessing our website.

5. Protected areas of the website.

5.1. Generally, for access to the services of Sarah Alenyà Interiorista, user subscription or registration will not be necessary.

5.2. The use of certain services may be subject to the prior obtaining of a personal account through user registration. This registration will be carried out in the manner expressly indicated on the website.

5.3. This site may contain restricted access areas, protected by identifiers and passwords or other security mechanisms. The user will not attempt to access these restricted access areas if he is not duly authorized by Sarah Alenyà Interiorista, nor will it attempt to evade or manipulate the protection mechanisms established by it.

5.4. The user who has been authorized by Sarah Alenyà Interiorista to access any of these protected areas will be solely responsible for keeping it strictly confidential, and not disclose to third parties, the identifiers, passwords and other security methods that Sarah Alenyà Interiorista makes available to access the protected areas. The user will therefore be solely responsible for the damages that arise from not keeping the aforementioned security mechanisms secret.

The user is informed that the unauthorized access attempt to the restricted access areas of this site may be subject to civil and/or criminal liability.

6. Intellectual and industrial property.

6.1. All site contents, including, by way of example and not limitation, trademarks, logo, graphics, images, sound and video files, software, programming code, texts, icones, and names that identify services (from now on “the materials”) are the property of Sarah Alenyà Interiorista and are protected by current legislation on intellectual and industrial property rights.

6.2. The user's access to this site does not imply any type of waiver, transmission or assignment, total or partial, of these property rights, for this reason, access to these contents or elements does not grant, under no circumstances, the user the possibility of its copy, sale, modification, reproduction, publication, cession, transmission, or creation of new products or services derived from the information and elements contained herein.

6.3. That is why the user of this site will not be able to, except with express written authorization from Sarah Alenyà Interiorista, copy, to distribute, to download, Modify, suppress, erase, to alter, post, pass on, or take advantage of the materials it contains in any way.

6.4. The user does not acquire rights or licenses in relation to the service or the elements in it, except for the limited right to use the service in accordance with the applicable conditions. You can only use the contents or elements you access through the services of Sarah Alenyà Interiorista for your own use and needs, committing not to perform either directly, nor indirectly a commercial exploitation, nor services, nor the materials, elements, or information obtained through them.

7. Data Protection and Privacy Policy.

7.1. In accordance with what is established by current legislation on the protection of personal data, Sarah Alenyà Interiorista informs the user of the existence of a personal data file that contains the data that users enter on the site. Sarah Alenyà Interiorista is responsible for the file.

7.2. The personal data that the user must provide are essential for sending orders and writing invoices. The absence of this data will lead to the automatic cancellation of orders. By registering on the page, the user undertakes to provide valid personal data, data that allow the provision of the service by Sarah Alenyà Interiorista and the correct identification of the registered user, as well as the sending of information and advertising of the different products and offers that Sarah Alenyà Interiorista may have on its website.

7.3. The user and owner of the data is informed, and gives his unequivocal consent, that by filling in the various forms your personal data will be incorporated into the automated files of Sarah Alenyà Interiorista, with the purpose of providing and offering our services as well as keeping the user informed about the products offered.

7.4. The user guarantees the authenticity of all the data communicated via https://www.sarahalenyainteriorista.com and will keep updated the information provided to Sarah Alenyà Interiorista, so that it responds at all times to its real situation, being solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made, as well as the damages caused for this reason to Sarah Alenyà Interiorista or to third parties.

7.5. The acceptance of this legal notice implies the provision by the user of his express consent so that Sarah Alenyà Interiorista can send him advertising communications, promotional or commercial by e-mail or other means of communication, in the terms established by the Law 34/2002, of Information Society and Electronic Mail Services. In the event that you are not interested in receiving this type of communications, you can contact Sarah Alenyà Interiorista at the above address or email sa_interiorista@hotmail.com, expressing his will.

7.6. Sarah Alenyà Interiorista undertakes to comply with its obligation of secrecy with respect to personal data and the duty to treat them with confidentiality. For these purposes, it will adopt the reasonable security measures provided for by law to avoid its alteration, loss or unauthorized access.

7.7. The user will be able to exercise their access rights, rectification, cancellation and opposition of your personal data in the terms established in current legislation, through sa_interiorista@hotmail.com o C/ Garbí 27, 17257 Torroella de Montgrí (Girona).

8. Cookies policy.

8.1. THE “Cookies” are text files that servers that host websites send to their users' browsers. Cookies cannot be executed and cannot contain viruses, and can only be read by the server hosting the website.

8.2. This site requires the use of “Cookies” for its correct operation.

9. Information transmitted by Users.

9.1. This site may contain public forums, you go out to talk (“chats”) and other mechanisms through which users can express their opinion and exchange files in electronic format. The information, communications and files sent through these forums and rooms, together with email addresses and other communications disclosed by users shall not be considered confidential material.

9.2. When users transmit or post any type of information to this site, will be granting authorization to Sarah Alenyà Interiorista to use this information, including without limitation, the use, reproduction, transmission, publication or sending of this information for any purpose, including, without limitation, the reproduction, revelation, transmission, publication or sending of this information.

9.3. Sarah Alenyà Interiorista assumes no responsibility for the content of the information or communications sent by its users through these areas.

9.4. All opinions written by users are monitored by the marketing team. If the opinions received violate the law, ethics or morality (abusive advertising, defamation, insults, Off topic comments …), Sarah Alenyà Interiorista reserves the right to reject or modify these opinions.

10. Exclusion of guarantees and Responsibilities.

10.1. All information contained in this site is administered “as it is”, without Sarah Alenyà Interiorista granting guarantees of any kind, both express and implied, relating to accuracy, reliability and integrity of this site. Sarah Alenyà Interiorista does not grant any guarantee, explicit or implicit, including, by way of example and not limitation, guarantees for non-compliance with quality, of merchantability or suitability for a particular purpose.

10.2. Sarah Alenyà Interiorista also does not guarantee that this website, or to the servers that host it, are free of viruses and other potentially dangerous software.

10.3. Sarah Alenyà Interiorista does not guarantee availability, continuity, usefulness and infallibility of the operation of this site, of its services or its contents; nor the reliability or usefulness of the information and content provided by third parties through this site. Despite the fact that Sarah Alenyà Interiorista makes every reasonable effort to guarantee availability, access, continuity, and infallibility of the operation and its services, Sarah Alenyà Interiorista does not guarantee the same, since they can be interfered by numerous factors outside of it. Accordingly, will not be responsible, (with the limits established in the current legal system), for damages of any kind caused to the user as a result of the aforementioned unavailability, fallades d’accés i falta de continuïtat.

11. Limitació de responsabilitat.

11.1. Sarah Alenyà Interiorista no es responsabilitzará de cap manera de qualsevol dany directe o indirecte, lucre cessant o pèrdua de dades i/o clients que es derivin de l’ús per part dels usuaris o de la impossibilitat d’ús d’aquest lloc web.

11.2. Aquest lloc pot contenir enllaços hipertextuals (“Links”) i remissions a altres llocs i pàgines web que poden no estar controlats per Sarah Alenyà Interiorista, en aquests casos Sarah Alenyà Interiorista no es responsabilitzarà dels continguts que puguin aparèixer en aquestes pàgines.

11.3. L’usuari accepta expressament deixar exempta a Sarah Alenyà Interiorista de qualsevol responsabilitat dels actes o omissions del usuaris basades en els continguts allotjats en aquest lloc.

11.4. L’usuari entén i accepta expressament que qualsevol tipus de contingut, programari o qualsevol altre tipus de material, que descarregui o obtingui de qualsevol altra forma a través d’aquest lloc es realitza pel seu compte i risc, i que ell com a usuari serà l’únic responsable de qualsevol dany o pèrdua de dades causat als seus sistemes informàtics.

11.5. Sarah Alenyà Interiorista ha posat tots els mitjans raonables per assegurar que la informació que conté aquest lloc és correcta. However, els usuaris del lloc accepten conèixer que part de la informació continguda en aquest lloc podria ser incorrecta, be incomplete or outdated, o contenir errors.

12. Dret d’exclusió i nul·litat parcial

12.1. Sarah Alenyà Interiorista reserva el dret de cancel·lar, eliminar, o desautoritzar la utilització de tots o algun dels serveis del lloc web a qualsevol usuari sense necessitat de previ avís si al seu criteri, i en qualsevol tipus de circumstància, aquest estigués fent un ús incorrecte del mateix.

12.2. Si un tribunal competent resol que qualsevol de les disposicions contingudes en aquestes condicions legals és il·lícita o nul·la, tal disposició serà exclosa si així es requerís legalment. L’usuari accepta expressament que la resta de les disposicions no excloses no es veuran modificades, i que seguiran tenint plena vigència.

13. Llei aplicable i Jurisdicció.

13.1. Aquest lloc es troba ubicat i és operat des d’Espanya. Totes les qüestions relatives a aquest lloc es regeixen per les lleis espanyoles i se sotmeten a la jurisdicció dels Jutjats i Tribunals competents d’Espanya, sense que siguin d’aplicació els principis sobre conflicte de lleis. En aquells casos en que l’usuari no tingui la condició de consumidor, o que tingui el seu domicili fora d’Espanya, Sarah Alenyà Interiorista i l’usuari es sotmeten als Jutjats i Tribunals de Girona, amb renúncia expressa a qualsevol altre fur que pogués correspondre’ls.

13.2. Si l’usuari decideix utilitzar o consultar aquest lloc des de fora d’Espanya, haurà de tenir present que ho fa per pròpia iniciativa, i que és responsable del compliment de les lleis locals aplicables.

14. Duració y revisió.

14.1. Malgrat que la relació jurídica entre Sarah Alenyà Interiorista i l’usuari, derivada de l’accés i utilització del lloc, té una durada indefinida, aquesta es considerarà finalitzada en el moment que la companyia modifiqui les presents condicions generals. En el moment en què la companyia anunciï la modificació de les condicions generals, i l’usuari accedeixi i utilitzi els serveis i continguts del lloc, es considera iniciada una nova relació jurídica entre ambdues parts de caràcter igualment indefinit.

14.2. Sense perjudici de l’anterior, l’empresa Sarah Alenyà Interiorista està facultada per suspendre, interrompre, o donar per finalitzada de manera unilateral, en qualsevol moment i sense necessitat de previ avís ni justa causa, la prestació de qualsevol dels serveis que ofereix.

14.3. Sarah Alenyà Interiorista es reserva el dret a revisar, unilateralment i sense previ avís, les presents condicions d’ús en qualsevol moment. Les condicions revisades entraran en vigor tan aviat quedin publicades en aquest lloc. Si l’usuari fa ús habitual d’aquest lloc haurà de revisar les condicions amb regularitat, i s’abstindrà d’accedir al lloc si no considerés acceptables qualsevol de les condicions revisades.


sarahalenyainteriorista.com informa sobre l’ús de les cookies en les seves pàgines web.

Tipus de cookies

Segons qui sigui l’entitat que gestioni el domini des d’on s’envien les cookies i tracti les dades que s’obtinguin es poden distingir dos tipus: galetes pròpies i galetes de tercers.

Existeix també una segona classificació segons el termini de temps que romanen emmagatzemades al navegador del client, podent tractar-se de cookies de sessió o galetes persistents.

Finalment, hi ha una altra classificació amb cinc tipus de cookies segons la finalitat per a la qual es tractin les dades obtingudes: galetes tècniques, galetes de personalització, galetes d’anàlisi, galetes publicitàries i galetes de publicitat comportamental.

Cookies utilizades al web

A continuació s’identifiquen les galetes que estan essent utilitzades en aquest portal així com la seva tipologia i funció:

La pàgina web de sarahalenyainteriorista.com utilitza Google Analytics, un servei d’analítica web desenvolupada per Google, que permet el mesurament i anàlisi de la navegació a les pàgines web. En el seu navegador pot observar 4 galetes d’aquest servei. Segons la tipologia anterior es tracta de cookies pròpies, de sessió i d’anàlisi. Podeu trobar més informació al respecte i inhabilitar l’ús d’aquestes galetes www.google.es/intl/es/analytics/privacyoverview.html.

A través de l’analítica web no s’obté informació sobre les seves dades personals garantint la tutela de la privacitat de les persones que naveguen pel web. La informació que s’obté és la relativa al nombre d’usuaris que accedeixen al web, el nombre de pàgines vistes, la freqüència i repetició de les visites, la seva durada, el navegador utilitzat, l’operador que presta el servei, l’idioma, el terminal que utilitza, o la ciutat a la qual està assignada la seva adreça IP. Informació que possibilita un millor i més apropiat servei per part d’aquest portal.

Finalment, es descarrega una galeta de tipus tècnic anomenada cookies_policy, pròpia, de tipus tècnic i persistent (caduca en 30 dies). Gestiona consentiment davant l’ús de les cookies a la pàgina web, amb l’objecte d’evitar l’excessiva molèstia que pugui suposar mostrar repetidament informació sobre la política de cookies a la part superior del web a aquelles persones que hagin acceptat la mateixa.

Aceptació de la Política de cookies

sarahalenyainteriorista.com mostra informació sobre la seva Política de galetes a la part superior de qualsevol pàgina del portal amb cada inici de sessió.

Davant d’aquesta informació és possible dur a terme les següents accions:

  • Acceptar cookies. No es tornarà a visualitzar aquest avís en accedir a qualsevol pàgina del portal durant la present sessió.
  • Modificar la seva configuració. Podrà obtenir més informació sobre què són les galetes, conèixer la Política de galetes de sarahalenyainteriorista.com i modificar la configuració de la seva navegació. Però això no evitarà que es mostri l’avís sobre cookies en accedir a noves pàgines del portal.

Com modificar la configuració de les cookies

Vostè pot restringir, bloquejar o esborrar les galetes de sarahalenyainteriorista.com o qualsevol altra pàgina web, utilitzant el seu navegador. A cada navegador l’operativa és diferent, la funció deAjudali mostrarà com fer-ho.